Man Vs Belly – Fatchelor Life 03 (Feeding the dirty pigeons)

Because there is nothing more exciting than reading about what I eat I have to apologise for posting this today as opposed to last night. Though in the interests of OCD I’m backdating it to last night. I CONTROL TIME ITSELF! Anyhow. I actually woke up a full hour and a half before my alarm today. Not through an act of will, but thanks instead to my deaf neighbour deciding that half nine in the morning is a good time to start a disco. Unfortunately being up early didnt aid with getting breakfast early, as I stomped downstairs and angrily brushed my teeth. Which necessitated waiting a while to eat.

For breakfast I (eventually) had a portion of the slow cooked apple and oatmeal, a can of coke zero and a jar of jelly. Breakfast of champion. The day was quite hot yesterday and to be honest I wasnt really feeling up to doing anything (quelle surprise I know). So I decided to push making oatmeal muffins and smoothies and such to Thursday. My lunch consisted of a Brunch chased down by some guilt. I had an early dinner. I wanted to try out the vegetable “spiralizer” I’d bought. Sadly it turned out we were out of carrots so I had to limit my experimentation to a courgette (which was the primary target anyway). In an act of brilliance I took a picture of the ingredients and a picture of the finished meal (beef stir fry with courgette noodles in hoisin sauce) but not a picture of the noodles post cut but pre cooking. The spiralizer is pretty good, quick and easy to use. It offers two different blades for different thickness (a fact I only realised after narrowly avoiding injury while washing it). Even though the courgette nearly fills it you do end up with a bit of waste, but on the plus side it does take out the less appetising core. Supper was fairly frugal, re-heated the last of my homemade burgers and had some fruit with it.

Nearly out of the “detox water”. I don’t think I’ll be mixing up another batch. The flavour isnt unpleasant. But at the same time it’s not something I’m in love with. Which means that drinking it almost feels like taking medicine, the act of will involved makes it irritating. So back to water I think. So fairly uneventful day in terms of diet (and in general). Assuming I don’t fob myself off I’ll have more pictures tomorrow if nothing else.

The ingredients prior to their transformation at my godly hands


And as if by magic, the completed meal


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