Super shallow summary of my time with the Marvel Heroes 2015 roster

I downloaded the test version of Marvel Heroes 2015 so that I could try out some members of the roster that I was consdiering coughing up my hard earned (hah) money for. I ended up trying out every single member of the roster. Most of them were low level (the game clones your main account where I only have a handful) so admittedly you dont get a great feel for how they play, but this was more about seeing how they look, sound, animate, etc. So here are my super shallow impressions:

Black Panther – Looks and sounds good, but ultimately felt boring, just a guy a suit

Black Widow – Dont like the character but shes surprisingly fun to play, I actully own her on my main account, looks and voice are good

Cable – A character I alternatly love and hate, animations and “feel” are really nice, powers seem cool as well

Captain America – Fairly by the numbers, I like the character but he feels boring to play and Im not paying a tenner for his (best) Earth X costume

Colossus – Fun, exactly what I wanted and expected from the character

Cyclops – Meh, I used to like the character but his basic implementation in game feels weird (no sustained beam starting off is jive), his stance is also weirdly forward leaning (and his 90s costume is a tenner)

Daredevil – To be honest I loathe the character and barely tried him, he must be a faithful representation because I hated him in game as well

Deadpool – Fun in the beta and still fun here, but Im too achingly hipster to play a character this popular

Dr Strange – Great, the main reason I tried the test server was because I was considering buying him (too lazy to farm him in game), his animations, moveset and voice acting are all great

Hawkeye – Much like Captain America he’s a solid representation of the character but boring to play

Emma Frost – Surprisingly enjoyable, they mixed her psychic and diamond powersets together well (and her diamond form looks great). Her character model is weirdly big/buff, probably bigger than Cyclops for example (and she is unsurprisingly very top heavy)

Gambit – His kinetic cards ability looks like it should and he has a “cajun” accent, and thats basically all there is to the character so if you like him I imagine you’ll enjoy him

Ghost Rider – Remember the 90’s when Ghost Rider was cool? Disappointing that he doesnt appear to have his bike out at all times (and that its the Johnny Blaze bike). His powers are cool though and visually impressive.

Hulk – Looks, sounds and animates great. His rage mechanic and moves do the job but I cant help but think may become a little boring over the long haul. Game has all the best Hulk costumes but all of them are more expensive (~8 quid) than the hero himself which I find off-putting.

Huh just realised Hawkeye is weirdly out of order in the store, oh well.

Human Torch – One of the new starters and probably the one I’d recommend. He’s great fun, his powers look cool as do his animations and model. He’s also one of the most powerful heroes endgame if that matters to you. His default costume is also probably his best so its easy to resist costume envy.

Invisible Woman – I’m not joking but either the texture or character model make her posterior look bizarre, considering you spend most of the game looking at your characters back its super distracting. I also thought her power set was boring and uninspired. A pity as I like the character.

Iron Man – Iron man, Iron man, does whatever an Iron can! If that Iron can fly about shooting lasers with great abandon. Im not sure if its the actual gameplay or my recent distaste for the character but I just found him boring.

Jean Grey – Couldnt even bring myself to try her out

Loki – The femal Loki “Enhanced costume” is cool, his power set seems good but “fiddly”. I actually really preferred the female Loki’s voice actress to the male’s, though the males is solid. Female Loki also has the best animated cloak in the game

Luke Cage – There is something off about the dimensions of his model which I found distracting. They should have made him more top heavy like Colossus. Also tragically you would have to buy his Power Man costume so whats the point?

Moon Knight – His cape is modeled and animated terribly, like Sue Storms arse it basically makes the character unplayable for me. Doesnt help that his powers make him feel like a powermans Batman (shocker there I know)

Ms Marvel – Couldnt bring myself to try her out

Nightcralwer – I like that they went with a swashbuckling theme to this powers, but his default run style is on all fours which I really dislike. Pity as his powerset is cool.

Psylocke – Well animated and modeled. Has a secondary resource for no readily identifiable reason and it just makes her feel like a more fiddly version of other melee focused characters.

Punisher – Like the “solid” implementations mentioned above Punisher meets but doesnt exceed expectations. If you enjoy the character you should have nothing to complain about.

Rocket Racoon – The characters large calibre weaponry and apperance are what I like least about him. Solid implementation but nothing compelling.

Scarlet Witch – My first hero back in the day and currently my highest level. Not a huge fan of the character but shes implemented well and is really fun from a gameplay perspective. Shes a fucking AOE machine.

Spider-Man – Love the character, hate the implementation. Looks bizarrely weedy, to the point that it was actively distracting. His powers (and criminal lack of decent web swinging) further cemented my dislike.

Storm – Like Scarlet Witch, a charcter Im not fond off, but who is done well, who I got early and who I enjoy mechanically and who dominates in AOE.

Squirrel Girl – Oddly enough shes supposed to be excellent endgame. Not a character Im a fan off but if you like her shes done well (just to note when I say “done well” I mean I find the model, animation, voice work and power set evoke the “feel” of the character from the comic)

Thing – Solid, enjoyable, well implemented but probably my least favourite of the “bruisers”. I’d probably rate them Hulk>Colossus>Thing>>>Luke Cage in terms of fun in the game (though in terms of how much I like them it’s probably be Hulk>Thing>Colossus>>>Luke Cage)

Taskmaster – Fun and in many ways a perfect introduction to the game (he really should be a starter). Its sort of like getting four heroes in one. They also have his awesome Udon costume for sale. He’s dirt cheap to buy with the ingame curreny (200 shards – which is how much you will get for finishing the story) so I wouldnt pay real money for him.

Thor – Solid implementation of a character I like but there just like there was something lacking in terms of gameplay. Animation and all the rest is good, though his cloak can look a little odd at times. Has two good “Enhanced Costumes” (Beta Ray Bill & Old Thor) which are about a fiver more expensive than him itself. I did level him up back in beta and his gameplay does improve after a few levels.

Wolverine – Solid implementation but I dont like how far forward he leans when he has his claws out because it looks weird in the default view.

So I suppose in summary most heroes, with the excpetion of a few wonky ones, are solid implementations of their comic book alter egos. If you enjoy the character you should enjoy them in game. If you care more about mechanical efficiency than having fun with a character you like than cast your clicks over here –

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