What a week, had my first pint of 2015. Tragically that didn’t make the headlines, but anything of interest to me that did got pulled and carefully curated for your reading pleasure. Though looking at it it seems that not a lot interested me this week. Continue reading…
Tag: weekly review
Mick’s Weekly World News Round Up – 03 – 27/04/15 – 03/05/15
Cant believe its fucking May already, for poor old Malcom time might have been the fire in which he burns but for me time is more like a slip and slide I glide lazily across. Also still not happy with that title. Relatively short this week, I was online fuck all and was oddly busy doing nothing so I didnt really catch too much news. Continue reading…
Mick’s Weekly World News – 02 – 20/04/15 – 26/04/15
Another weekly roundup. Still not happy about the title. Though posted manually (like a savage) it is out on the right day. My “time away from the internet” went much better this week. I’ve got out of the habit of using social media or checking various gaming forums so I don’t even really “miss” it anymore. I also distracted myself by doubling down on improving my diet (with partial success) and going back to basics and trying to formally plot out every conspiracy in my yet to be named (probably Overdue) next great Irish novel (with much less success). Continue reading…
In search of a clever title – 01 – 13/04/15 – 19/04/15
I honestly couldn’t think of a snappy title, which I wanted, for this (hopefully series of) post(s). So I fell back on the old reliable “ironically self depreciating” brand of “humour” so loved by ersatz comedians the world over. So what is this? Well after deciding to take forty days “off” from my biggest sources of online procrastination the amount of posts on my blog for 2015 showed something like a 500% increase. Clearly posting on social media platforms and various forums was working as a relief valve of sorts for whatever random thoughts flowed through me from the great beyond. (Apprently one of those thoughts was the incorrect idea I mastered how to queue stuff to post automatically, a day late and a doller short here we are) Continue reading…