End of the Metaverse campaign and role-playing in general

*Cross-posted from the forum* Well it looks like this has wrapped up. Still we got four or five enjoyable sessions out of it so it wasnt entirely wasted. I suppose we started at a poor time of year, after illness, false starts and holidays delayed the game we ended up too close to the end of the year and 1/4 of the player base leaving. Which sort of killed my interest, so I suppose its really my fault the game fell through. A pity I suppose. I did learn a few things though. Continue reading…

Up, up and Away

I’m starting a “super’s” game next Tuesday (25/01). I was going to start it this week but Im likely going to be too “busy” (certainly not playing Dead Space 2). In theory the game will run Tuesday night from 8-11. But Im not too tied to that day and time so thats up for negogiation. I’m looking for two to six (hah) players, though if you cant make it and still want to get involved (or just fuck with whoever is playing then read on). The game will be taking place in the icy depths of Springmount on ye olde dublin road (a.k.a the house I’m renting). Continue reading…

Secret meetings in the basement of my brain Or Reviews

Its been a while, Ive been pre-occupied with my masters, though paradoxically I havent spend much time actually doing it. Apart from that its been work and the continued consumption of media products, well that and being accused of being a monk by various bastards. Ive read/watched/played quite a variety of things recently and I shant bore you with snippet reviews of the lot, I’ll just briefly mention the stuff that stood out. Continue reading…