Well in the end I decided to go with Eclipse Phase. I was initially somewhat leery of going with it because it’s transhumanist setting is so far removed from common sci-fi tropes and fiction that it seems like it would be hard to get into and hard to convey to the players. I was certainlly wrong about the first part of that. The book is very well written and presents the setting in a manner which is both enthralling and easy to grasp. Continue reading…
Tag: rpgs
RPG Blues
Hmm blog software seems to have gone a bit wonky. Ive re-installed it from a backup and so far it seems to be running ok. But if you notice it fucking up please let me know.
Its been almost a year since I last ran or played in an rpg. And for some reason I just cant seem to get myself interested in playing/running on again. On one level I really want to and random ideas for games to run keep getting kicked around the old noggin; but on another level none of these ideas never seem to go anywhere. And all for the same reason, lack of enthusiasm. When I come up with the idea I think its cool but then the amount of hassle involved in getting it into even a semi-playable form just kills my interest. I suppose I wouldnt mind playing in a game, even one of the more “modern” games which require a larger amount of player input. Continue reading…
Secret meetings in the basement of my brain Or Reviews
Its been a while, Ive been pre-occupied with my masters, though paradoxically I havent spend much time actually doing it. Apart from that its been work and the continued consumption of media products, well that and being accused of being a monk by various bastards. Ive read/watched/played quite a variety of things recently and I shant bore you with snippet reviews of the lot, I’ll just briefly mention the stuff that stood out. Continue reading…