If Mick was the Devil (Part 1) Or “Please allow me to introduce myself…”

It has been suggested by both maid (buxom and otherwise) and madman that I am in fact the devil. Clearly this is insanity (likely brought on by their insatiable lust for my naughty parts). However it serves as a suitable enough introduction from which to segue into a thought exercise which I’ve been idly kicking around in the old noggin for a while now. So without further ado or folderol we humbly present our main event, enjoy. (In the interest of full disclosure this does meander a bit so you may want to simply skip down to the revised checklist and go on from there). Continue reading…

Heavy Rain – Umbrellas & Origami

Basically no-one in Heavy Rain uses an umbrella, even though, as its title suggests, its raining all the fucking time. Though thats not really particularly important, on the other hand Heavy Rain may be. It’s a flagship title that doesnt fall into an easily labelled box. Depending on how it does it could even be taken as an example of how computer games are growing as an entertainment medium. Continue reading…

Bioshock 2 – The Sophmore Slump

If I were to sum up Bioshock 2 in one word that word would be disappointment. In many ways I feel that this is a game that shouldnt have been made. Bioshock was entirely complete as is. It had a story to tell and a world to tell it in and it conveyed the story and the world to the player through an excellent mixture of graphic spectacle, engaging storytelling and enjoyable gameplay. Needless to say I really enjoyed Bioshock.
Continue reading…

Failure to communicate

Well things started out more or less fine. But leaving material in work and getting back into World of Warcraft sort of scuppered that. I tried to recover but it would appear that my ability to queue up articles to publish automatically failed miserably. Which means that I’m going to have to indulge in some batch posting and back dating. But as I can’t afford to be caught online in work it’s likely to take all weekend.

Mass Effect 2 – The difference between good and great

I really enjoyed Mass Effect 1, unlike Jade Empire it actually managed to live up to they hype. While it did have some technical and gameplay issues (texture pop-in, terrible inventory system and those fucking elevators) it was still a great game. In particular I liked the world it was set in. The story itself was also pretty enjoyable and well constructed. So needless to say I was looking forward to Mass Effect 2 quite a bit. Continue reading…

Tiny weapons and disappointment

Well my update schedule was supposed to be Tuesday and Friday. However Im cream crackered today after staying up last night to finish Mass Effect 2. So after doing the tedious Argent Tournment dailies and going to work I didnt get around to finishing the piece I had planned to post. Hopefully I will get around to doing so tomorrow. Here’s a picture of my Warlock after three days at level 80 to distract your attention (I fucking hate how spindly that dagger is).

(Should point out that these images are lightboxed so if you click on them you get a bigger version, ah technology)

Listening to: Elton John - Rocket Man

Grand (re)(re)Opening

So yet another version of the Temple of Mick graces the world wide web. Which means this has been going on for more than ten years at this point. The original joke that started the entire thing has long since died and for the last few years its basically been a blogĀ  (and on the backend somewhere to host files and test our various web doo-dads). But as I was looking towards a new design I realsied that the functionality I wanted to add would require more coding work than I was prepared to invest. Continue reading…