7.5/10 Continue reading…
Mick vs The Future or Why Ive been weird for the last few weeks
*This is a totally honest outline of my current emotional and mental state, which means its a) sort of embarassing and b) whiny as fuck. You have been warned.* Continue reading…
Mick vs The 66
If youre one of those lucky enough to have first hand knowledge of my life then you will already be aware that I have taken up new residence ensconced in Dundalks meaty folds (gah that backfired, as I imagined myself walking into the orifice of some gigantic cthuloid entity). If you didnt know, well now you do. Im going to sidestep my issues with the move, as they arent particularly pertinent to the subject at hand. “What is the subject at hand ?” I hear you cry, worry not your suffering is at an end. The subject at hand is to re-ignite my once voracious appetite for the written word.
Continue reading…
Amusing spam
This is the most amusing piece of junk mail Ive received in quite a while. I think its the badly written pseudo-literary style that does it for me. Continue reading…
Micro Mickisms
Hmm, even at one entry (ooh er matron) a week Ive been slowly failing to keep my updates regular. This is almost certainly due to how messy my room is and Samsungs poor customer service. The latter left me without a monitor for a month and a half which means I moved my computing to my television. But its hard to type for long periods of time with ones keyboard balanced precariously on ones lap. By the time my monitor was fixed/replaced I’d become used to my new setup and the messiness of my room denies me easy access to my traditional computing setup. Hence the lack of productivity, its certainly not because Im a lazy shit. Continue reading…
Armed Librarians : The Book of Bantorra
Just finished watching this and I have to say that it was very enjoyable. The entire series builds excellently to an extremely satisfying (if not necessarily happy) finale. While the ending was certainly worth it the continuous lack of explanation throughout the majority of the series did wear on me at times. Still hard to argue it wasnt worth it. The animation was excellent, as was the voice acting and the music was noticeably well done. The characters, while not always likeable, were nearly always engaging. So all in all I’d say it was very good, but not excellent, four stars perhaps? I might come back to this and expand on it later.
Choose Your World Warrior!
Character selection is arguably the most important thing there is when it comes to fighting games. Its where everything else begins and generally its not much of an issue. You pick a character you think is cool and play with them for a bit, maybe branching out to other characters when youve mastered them to a level youre happy with or perhaps abandoning them entirely because their playstyle simply doesnt gel with yours. Continue reading…
Eclipse Phase
Well in the end I decided to go with Eclipse Phase. I was initially somewhat leery of going with it because it’s transhumanist setting is so far removed from common sci-fi tropes and fiction that it seems like it would be hard to get into and hard to convey to the players. I was certainlly wrong about the first part of that. The book is very well written and presents the setting in a manner which is both enthralling and easy to grasp. Continue reading…
RPG Blues
Hmm blog software seems to have gone a bit wonky. Ive re-installed it from a backup and so far it seems to be running ok. But if you notice it fucking up please let me know.
Its been almost a year since I last ran or played in an rpg. And for some reason I just cant seem to get myself interested in playing/running on again. On one level I really want to and random ideas for games to run keep getting kicked around the old noggin; but on another level none of these ideas never seem to go anywhere. And all for the same reason, lack of enthusiasm. When I come up with the idea I think its cool but then the amount of hassle involved in getting it into even a semi-playable form just kills my interest. I suppose I wouldnt mind playing in a game, even one of the more “modern” games which require a larger amount of player input. Continue reading…
Cant Sleep/Wont Sleep
A combination of military grade insomnia and FF XIII side missions has rendered me brain into a fine grey ooze incapable of rational thought. Alll operations on hold until further notice.