Let’s Play: Elemental War of Magic – Part 01

Ok, after sleeping in and then spending the afternoon reading more Kyou kara Ore wa!! I’ve finally got my hands on and got around to installing the 1.05 patch. So with that done I’m all ready to start a New Game (I’m going to go with the “Sandbox” option as the campaign is, well, pretty fucking boring based on last nights play). Oh wait, after rebooting my machine Windows Explorer is crashing every three to four minutes. Bollocks. Well it’s ten to five at the moment, hopefully I can get this windows explorer bullshit sorted in the next hour or so and I’ll start playing at seven. Continue reading…

Ninja’s, Gladiators and [Third Thing]’s, Oh My!

I think it’s fair enough to say that everybody likes (or is at least ambivalent towards) ninjas. If at this point you’re thinking to yourself “I don’t like ninjas” then you are a) simply being contrary, b) insane or c) the victim of real life ninja violence (which you likely brought on yourself for being a or b). I’ve liked ninjas for a long time, since I was a wee fellow watching the wildly age inappropriate Sakura Killers (which I’ve just found on Isohunt), up through a slew of other terrible movies (most of them starring Michael Dudikoff), Ninja Assassin choose-your-own-adventure books (while googling for a link it turns out the series was called The Way of the Tiger), various comic book’s, films and then on to stuff like Ninja Scroll, Tenchu and various other anime, manga and video game franchises. Though upon reflection while I feel ninjas are omnipresent I find it rather hard to call specific examples to mind (no doubt because they’re so stealthy!) Continue reading…

An explanation of Arm’s

Apparently clicking on embedded links is to onerous a task for some of my busier readers. So as opposed to linking inspirational images and summaries of the games and campaign worlds in question I’ll try and briefly outline why Im interested in running the various campaign ideas in my previous post (and what kind of commitment, nay burden, I expect potential players to undertake). Continue reading…

A call to arms

Well my plans for Iron Kingdoms via Legend of Anglerre have been scuppered by lack of players. But I still want to run something, even if it is just to shake the image that I come up with a new campaign idea every few months and never get it off the ground. After seeing this (scroll down to D&D in the Elemental Chaos part 1) and this (again scroll down) I have the horn to run a massive “classic” D&D game where its all big damn heroes on big fucking adventures. Continue reading…

Mick vs The 66 – Trench Warfare

Well after the initial blitz that started the campaign all momentum has been lost and we’ve entered a war of attrition between the plan and my laziness. The last weekend in June saw some movement with the Rashomon offensive. But a few short stories weren’t enough to change the layout of the front. The beginning of July saw a change in tactics, but even Bad Company couldn’t make it across a no mans land littered with the broken remains of wasted days. I fear that The Name of the Wind will be going home in a box. Continue reading…

If Mick was the Devil (Part 2) Or The Emperors New Clothes

Well due to popular demand (aka one person mentioning it in passing) Ive decided to push the critically important chronicling of my thoughts on Final Fantasy XIII to a later date and continue with this instead. So when we last left our intrepid author he had become the Prince of Darkness, the Lord of Flies, Old Nick, Old Scratch, El Diablo, well you get the picture. However, now that it isn’t five of the offensively early am clock I can see that some elements escaped examination in Part 1. Elements which should probably be addressed before going forward. Continue reading…