Best of 2009 – Anime (Yes it is super overdue) (But its full of links)

I get the feeling that I’ve somehow forgotten a large amount of the stuff I’ve watched this year as I feel that I’ve watched a fuckton of anime but when it came time to compile a list it was a real struggle to come up with ten. Of course when I did put together a list it became difficult to select just ten titles as I watched a lot of quality stuff this year. Continue reading…

(Re) Watching Naruto Shippuden: Episodes 001 – 006

So Ive decided to (finally) catch up on Shippuden in order to avoid any story based spoilers while playing Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2. I’ve seen the first thirty or so episodes before. But it was so long ago that I can only remember the rough outline events. Anyhow I have to make it to episode 176 so watching an extra twenty or thirty episodes doesnt really make that much of a difference. In theory I should have been banging through thirty or so episodes a day in order to be prepared for the games release on Friday. But due to this and that Im afraid that as of the moment (2:38 AM Wednesday morning) I have managed to get through six episodes. Continue reading…

October Viewing – Anime Edition – Oversights and Updates

Well October’s viewing schedule is off to a good start. Watched all of Bakemonogatari yesterday and today, and I have to say, its going to be tough for what comes next to live up to that standard. It really was uniformly excellent. But in a one step forwards, two steps back stylee I realised that I’d left one or two entries out of the last post. Partly because Im rather forgetful and partly because I hadnt realised some of them had finished translation. I think I’m going to go with something relatively low on emotional intensity and thinking and high on crazy shit next, possibly High School of the Dead or Heroman. Continue reading…

(Planned) September/October Viewing – Anime Edition

When brainstorming about a Top 10 Anime list I realised that Im several months behind in my anime viewing, the tragic consequence of living with other people sucking up ones time, as such there are several anime which would quite possibly make it onto this list (K-ON!, Code Geass R2, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Arakawa Under the Bridge, Bakemonogatari, etc.) that I havent got around to watching yet. I do plan to most watch of them during September, so I thought I’d go ahead and make a list because a) the minutiae of my life is amazingly interesting and b) because some people may also wish to see these and if so are welcome to call around. Continue reading…

Games of Autumn 2010 : Edition M

I sort of hate a lot of game journalists these days. No, hates too strong a word, Im simply confused that they can get away with pumping out so much shite without losing their job or getting roundly lambasted by the general public. I suppose, as usual, its as much a condemnation of the general public as the direct target of my ire. Anyhow, following the annual summer lull were moving into the tidal wave of autumn game releases which drops away to a mere trickle in the first weeks of December. And I know that you my gentle reader may be too busy with this much ballyhooed “real life” to weed out the wheat from the chaffe. So here you go, the titles coming out in the next few months (or that have been recently released) that I would suggest buying/playing/pirating/taking a look at/worshipping like a god. Continue reading…

Initial impressions of the Final Fantasy XIV Open Beta – Part 2 – Combat and Cut Scenes

Well that was fucking sweet. I was wandering around looking for the Pugilist’s Guild when a message pops up on screen asking me if I was sure if I wanted to leave the area as I might not be able to return. As the area in question was a street I wasnt too pushed and hit yes. Cue some lovely looking in game cut-scene, which leads to your first combat, which ends with some more sweet cut-scene action. This is is how you should do in game “events”. Continue reading…

Initial Impressions of the FFXIV Open Beta

Earlier in the week, just before the FFXIV (Final Fantasy XIV) Open Beta began I struggled with the question of whether to sign up or not. On the one hand I would get to see the game early and get an idea of what it was like, on the other hand I had already pre-ordered the game so was I spoiling it for myself? Also open beta’s are mainly for bug testing to the game would be buggy as fuck and may put me off, which would be unfair to the finished product. So I decided against it. Until I saw some screenshots. But by then the first phase of the open beta had closed. Luckily the second phase began yesterday and I managed to sign up. That was about sixteen or seventeen hours ago. Sixteen or seventeen hours, most of which have been spent trying to download or patch the client. Continue reading…