While I was banging through the shows at the beginning of the month my re-subscription to World of Warcraft half way through November more or less fucked my viewing plans (and all other plans I had). So I didnt mange to get through a lot of the stuff from the last entry. God I wish I could say it was because I was busy with Nanowrimo as opposed to World of Warcraft, but thats a topic for a different entry. Considering Cataclysm is out in less than forty eight hours I imagine this month will be even worse. Still some kind of plan is better than none at all. Continue reading…
Michaels Month of Meticulously Mandated Mastication – Sixth Bite
Well week two is off to an inauspicious start with last night’s chinese. But we’ll see how it goes. Weekends are always something of a diet minefield due to work. As I mentioned before, it throws off my meal schedule entirely. This weekend was a weird mix of up and down. In some ways it was better than last weekend (mainly due to lack of a hangover and better prepared lunch’s), in other ways worse (fell afoul of a few free and awesome muffins in work and twenty cent sandwiches in Tesco’s). Continue reading…
Michaels Month of Meticulously Mandated Mastication – Fifth Bite
Well that’s one week down. Unfortunately I only weighed myself half way through the week so Im no sure how much I lost in total. But based on the last few days the rate of weight loss is pretty decent. But then again it always is in the first week or two of a diet. Continue reading…
Michaels Month of Meticulously Mandated Mastication – Fourth Bite
Today’s the last day of the first week of my eating plan, so Im going to cut the planned update short and just cover one day. Today’s food, as seems to be the norm, was not without its problems. But overall things turned out quite well. I’m also not suffering any noticeable cravings, though now that I thought about cravings I’d love a few slices of white bread. But I’d prefer to be slimmer more so I must persevere. Once you start cooking its weird how into it you get, I spent a good two hours last night looking up various recipes and thinking about what I would include in the next two week block. Which should conclude just before christams, I’m not going to bother with healthy eating for christmas or new years eve weekend. Hopefully I can stick to it for the week in-between, but if not Im not going to be too heartbroken. After all, this is a martathon, not a sprint. Continue reading…
Michaels Month of Meticulously Mandated Mastication – Third Bite First Nibble
I posted the last entry without any pictures. This has now been rectified.
Michaels Month of Meticulously Mandated Mastication – Third Bite
While I was largely successful with sticking to my meal plan for the last two days I did learn two things. The first thing is that a meal plan, while useful, is more use as a list to choose from than a strict list to follow. The second is that things can go oh so terribly, terribly wrong. To see just how long just run your eyes over my dirty word nuggets (you should be ashamed of yourself!). Continue reading…
Michaels Month of Meticulously Mandated Mastication – Second Bite
With my ingredients purchased (and mental loins girded) I was all ready to start my new diet come Wednesday. Unfortunately my previously profligate food purchasing had left me with a small stockpile of food which varied from mildly to grossly unhealthy. Now I could have thrown that food out, but that seemed rather wasteful and so instead I decided to push the start of my diet forward one day and finish them off. Thursday dawned bright, fresh and cold – well I’m assuming it did, because I didn’t get up till lunchtime. Continue reading…
Michaels Month of Meticulously Mandated Mastication – First Bite
In an effort to physically prepare myself for the post-apocalyptic conditions that the austerity budget will bring (and certainly not because I’m sick of being morbidly obese) I have decided to go on a diet. Well actually I decided four months ago, but this week I actually started. I’ve tried various diets in the pass and have enjoyed some success (the most successful of which was the Atkins, lost about six stone, but it just doesn’t feel right). However no matter how well the diet goes at first after a few months I inevitably fall back to my bad old ways. Which is pretty disastrous when your existence is as sedentary as mine. After giving the problem some, admittedly less than in-depth, examination I concluded that the big problem with eating healthy was the time and effort involved. It’s much easier to open a pack of crisps or give domino a shout than it is to throw together a salad or grill some fish. So the two watchwords for my diet plan were Speed and Convenience. Continue reading…
(Planned) November Viewing – Anime Edition
Almost exactly a month ago I posted an entry outlining my planned viewing for October, followed a few days later by an update.. Im planning to do the same thing for November. Though hopefully I’ll get everything correct in this first post so I wont need the update. First I’ll outline what can be crossed off the old list and what “off-road” viewing I engaged in before moving on to a look at whats on the card for the next thirty days. As Im planning to participate in National Novel Writing Month I dont think I’ll get quite as much watched this month. But we shall see what transpires. Continue reading…
(Much Delayed) Misadventures in Minecraft
Day 13
But first I need to dig, my pants are empty and I needed to fill them with the rigid fruit of the earth. Soon my pants were swollen with the sweet square fruit of the earth. Off to build my lighthouse I go. Continue reading…