Mick vs The Marvel Universe – 01 – Shots fired

I wrote the first draft of this back in 2014 and then updated it in 2016. But both times I never actually followed through. Will I this time? Who knows. I will at least post it this time at least.

I havent read American comics in quite some time. Specifically since March 2011, so eleven years. But recent reading around comics as well as someone asking me for recommendations on what Marvel comics to read has got me interested in diving back into them.

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Mick quoted saying “Super-powered Nazi’s just ok” or what I think of Über

I just finished reading from the beginning to the most recent issue (#023) of Kieron Gillen’s Über. It’s fairly average, I probably would have stopped reading at some point if it didn’t manage to just keep its head above the waterline of boring (and if I didn’t hate dropping things). It’s not that it’s bad, but it’s also not very good. Continue reading…

Secret meetings in the basement of my brain Or Reviews

Its been a while, Ive been pre-occupied with my masters, though paradoxically I havent spend much time actually doing it. Apart from that its been work and the continued consumption of media products, well that and being accused of being a monk by various bastards. Ive read/watched/played quite a variety of things recently and I shant bore you with snippet reviews of the lot, I’ll just briefly mention the stuff that stood out. Continue reading…