Best of 2010 – Games

I can sum up video gaming in 2010 in one word and that word is disappointment. I was looking forward to so many releases that simply failed to deliver. Some of them by a little, but unfortunately most of them by a lot. So much so in fact that I’ve been rather lax in my game playing over the last few months and I’m behind by about twenty games or so. Which I find annoying in an OCD way. But as all of these lists are always a composite of things I’ve played in the year in question, not just what was released in the year, it probably doesnt matter in the long run. As well as the Top 10 list itself I’ve also included an appendix of sorts where I give a line or two (and maybe a score out of 10) to all the game I’ve completed this year (and perhaps the ones I’ve played enough off to be comfortable making a judgement on). Continue reading…

Games of 2011 Or 50 (more) reasons to avoid your friends and family

I find it hard to get genuinely excited about things any more. I certainly feel anticipation, but excitement? Not so much. Which is a pity as I miss it. I’m not sure why I don’t get excited any more. Perhaps its because so many things turned out to be a let down, perhaps I’ve become overly cynical, perhaps the tragically comprehensive previews of the modern media machine rob everything of mystery, perhaps I’m not quite as chemically tweaked since they stopped making Stinger’s (fuck I’d like a Dan Bar). Even though I don’t get all big in the pants thinking about whats coming I do still generally enjoy weeding through information on whats coming out and deciding what I’m really looking forward to. At this point in the year its hard to say whats going to be coming out for the entirety of 2011. Each week see’s new games released or release dates change. We also wont see very many announcements for the Autumn and Winter releases until the summer. So while I’ve called this “Games of 2011” it would be more accurate to call it “Games of the first half of 2011”. Continue reading…

Up, up and Away

I’m starting a “super’s” game next Tuesday (25/01). I was going to start it this week but Im likely going to be too “busy” (certainly not playing Dead Space 2). In theory the game will run Tuesday night from 8-11. But Im not too tied to that day and time so thats up for negogiation. I’m looking for two to six (hah) players, though if you cant make it and still want to get involved (or just fuck with whoever is playing then read on). The game will be taking place in the icy depths of Springmount on ye olde dublin road (a.k.a the house I’m renting). Continue reading…

Games of Autumn 2010 : Edition M

I sort of hate a lot of game journalists these days. No, hates too strong a word, Im simply confused that they can get away with pumping out so much shite without losing their job or getting roundly lambasted by the general public. I suppose, as usual, its as much a condemnation of the general public as the direct target of my ire. Anyhow, following the annual summer lull were moving into the tidal wave of autumn game releases which drops away to a mere trickle in the first weeks of December. And I know that you my gentle reader may be too busy with this much ballyhooed “real life” to weed out the wheat from the chaffe. So here you go, the titles coming out in the next few months (or that have been recently released) that I would suggest buying/playing/pirating/taking a look at/worshipping like a god. Continue reading…

Initial impressions of the Final Fantasy XIV Open Beta – Part 2 – Combat and Cut Scenes

Well that was fucking sweet. I was wandering around looking for the Pugilist’s Guild when a message pops up on screen asking me if I was sure if I wanted to leave the area as I might not be able to return. As the area in question was a street I wasnt too pushed and hit yes. Cue some lovely looking in game cut-scene, which leads to your first combat, which ends with some more sweet cut-scene action. This is is how you should do in game “events”. Continue reading…